Defining Addiction

a-1 home care cancer care pico rivera

Occasionally, people do not know that they are addicted to something unless other points it out.  By definition from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is when a drug user can’t stop taking a drug even if the person tries to.  Even when they know it is harmful to them, the addiction to the drug is too strong that they cannot fight the urge to take it.  These urges from addiction can attribute to the brain and how drugs change how the brain works.  Furthermore, these changes can last for a long period of time, thus making it difficult for the addict to kick the habit.  Therefore, addiction is ultimately a brain disease that requires time to heal.

Because rehab can be a long journey, any support can be helpful toward regaining a healthy life style. A-1 Home Care in San Marino offers a variety of services to help make life a little easier, including Home Helpers, Short Term Services, Live-In Care, Hourly Live-Out Care, Personal Services, Hospital Sitters, and other Caregiver services.  Dedicated professionals such as Edwin Huertas and Marisol Ramirez have outstanding skills and great patience to help our clients through their most difficult time with a smile.  A-1 Home Care knows the area around Los Angeles and Orange County very well because we often receive clients from the cities of San MarinoSierra Madre, PasadenaArcadia, Altadena,  Glendale, Burbank, and other surrounding communities.

Feel free to call 626 287 0250 and inquire about our services, like us on Facebook, or visit San Marino In Home Care to learn more!

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